Health Savings Account (HSA) Eligibility Rules

Many employers offer high-deductible health plans (HDHPs) to control premium costs, and then pair this coverage with health savings accounts (HSAs) to help employees with their health care expenses. An HSA is a tax-favored trust or account that can be…

4 Lessons Learned from Open Enrollment During the Pandemic

The pandemic presented many learning opportunities for organizations as they pivoted and learned how to be resilient during uncertain times. The 2021 open enrollment season was one such opportunity, and many employers rose to the challenge by exploring new ways…

5 Strategies for Reducing Health Benefit Costs in 2022

For the past two decades, health costs have increased each year. This happens for a variety of reasons, such as inflation or, say, a global pandemic. With that in mind, employers can bank on prices going up in 2022. According…

Health FSA Limit Will Increase for 2022

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) imposes a dollar limit on employees’ salary reduction contributions to health flexible spending accounts (FSAs) offered under cafeteria plans. This dollar limit is indexed for cost-of-living adjustments and may be increased each year. On Nov.…

6 Benefits to Attract and Retain Small Business Employees

Attracting and retaining employees is a constant struggle for organizations of any size, but it’s particularly so for small businesses. With smaller teams, employers need to hold onto talent whenever possible. And that can be a challenge, especially when resources…

California Individual Health Insurance Mandate

Beginning in 2020, California imposed a state individual mandate that requires individuals in California to maintain acceptable health coverage or pay a penalty. The California law largely mirrors the federal individual mandate requirement under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that…


MLR Rebate

How Employers Should Handle MLR Rebates The Affordable Care Act (ACA) established medical loss ratio (MLR) rules to help control health care coverage costs and ensure that enrollees receive value for their premium dollars. The MLR rules require health insurance…


President Trump Orders Payroll Tax Deferment

On Aug. 8, 2020, President Donald J. Trump ordered the U.S. Department of Treasury (the Department) to defer collecting certain payroll taxes from Sept. 1 to Dec. 31, 2020. Because the order is for a deferral, the unpaid taxes will…

Learning Management

Make Learning Fun Again :)

Engaging Remote Employees With Learning The COVID-19 pandemic continues to challenge many employers and their employees to move their daily work online, while trying to be just as productive and connected as in their normal workplace setting. With the remote…